Film Synopsis

In the immediate aftermath of World War II, Leningrad has been left devastated, with its buildings demolished and citizens left in tatters both physically and mentally. Although the siege is finally over, life and death continue their battle in the wreckage that remains. Two young women, Iya and Masha, who fought side by side, are bonded by their experiences. But in their attempts to readjust to the world around them, a shocking accident brings them closer together and yet also seals their fates. Loosely inspired by the 1985 Nobel Prize-winning novel by Svetlana Alexievich, The Unwomanly Face of War, Iya and Masha must search for meaning and hope in the struggle to rebuild their lives amongst the ruins.


The Asia Pacific Screen Academy expresses its respect for and acknowledgement of the South East Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. We pay our respects to the Traditional Owners of country, including the custodial communities on whose land works are created and celebrated by the Asia Pacific Screen Awards. We acknowledge the continuing connection to land, waters and communities. We also pay our respects to Elders, past and emerging. We recognise the integral role Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and First Nations peoples continue to play in storytelling and celebration spaces.

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