Film Details

Summer Days with Coo

Film Synopsis

Kouichi Uehara, a fourth grade student in elementary school, lives in a suburb of Tokyo. One day, walking back from school along the river, Kouichi kicks up a large stone which looks like a fossil. It turns out to be a baby “Kappa”– a Japanese mythical water creature called Coo who was sleeping underground for the past 300 years. Kouichi and Coo become good friends and live together with Kouichi’s family. However, Coo cannot adjust to the lifestyle in Tokyo and so, on a hot summer day, Kouichi and Coo decide to go on an adventurous road trip to find Coo’s peers.


The Asia Pacific Screen Academy expresses its respect for and acknowledgement of the South East Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. We pay our respects to the Traditional Owners of country, including the custodial communities on whose land works are created and celebrated by the Asia Pacific Screen Awards. We acknowledge the continuing connection to land, waters and communities. We also pay our respects to Elders, past and emerging. We recognise the integral role Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and First Nations peoples continue to play in storytelling and celebration spaces.

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