Daniel Gordon is a British documentary film director best known for his acclaimed, double BAFTA-winning Hillsborough (2016), which is considered the definitive account of the Hillsborough Stadium Disaster. Daniel’s previous films include a series of ground-breaking documentaries from North Korea including, Crossing the Line (2006), which premiered at the Sundance Film Festival. He is best known for his sporting documentaries like 9.79* (2012) about the disgraced Canadian sprinter Ben Johnson who was stripped of his Olympic gold medal, which premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival, and his documentary series of 34 short films, I Scored a Goal in the Fifa World Cup Final (2010), about the only 34 men alive today to have scored a goal in a World Cup Final. Most recently he directed George Best: All by Himself which premiered at the 2016 60th BFI London Film Festival, and The Australian Dream (2019), about the Adam Goodes race scandal in Australian sport. That film had its world premiere at the Melbourne International Film Festival and screened internationally. Gordon received his first APSA nomination for The Australian Dream.


Daniel Gordon and Sarah Thomson and Nick Batzias and Virginia Whitwell and John Battsek
Best Documentary Feature Film, 2019

The Australian Dream

Best Documentary Feature Film, 2019

The Australian Dream

In the years since winning Australian of the Year in 2014, Aboriginal Australian footballer Adam Goodes took a defiant stance against racism in mainstream culture.…

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The Australian Dream

The Australian Dream

Australia, United Kingdom

The Australian Dream

In the years since winning Australian of the Year in 2014, Aboriginal Australian footballer Adam Goodes took a defiant stance against racism in mainstream culture.…

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The Asia Pacific Screen Academy expresses its respect for and acknowledgement of the South East Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. We pay our respects to the Traditional Owners of country, including the custodial communities on whose land works are created and celebrated by the Asia Pacific Screen Awards. We acknowledge the continuing connection to land, waters and communities. We also pay our respects to Elders, past and emerging. We recognise the integral role Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and First Nations peoples continue to play in storytelling and celebration spaces.

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