Brisbane, Australia: Japan’s Weathering With You (Tenki no Ko, Japan) has been named Best Animated Feature Film at the prestigious ceremony of the 13th Asia Pacific Screen Awards (APSA) in Brisbane, Australia.

The film is directed by Makoto Shinkai, who also took home the inaugural APSA in this category for in 2007 for 5 Centimetres Per Second.

The region’s highest accolade in film, the uniquely Australian initiative ignites and celebrates the cinematic excellence of the 70 countries and areas of the region at a glittering red carpet ceremony in Brisbane in November.

Stories encompassing thirteen countries and areas were awarded at the 13th annual event, with the majority of the winners also being their country’s Official Submission for the Academy Awards® in the Best International Feature Film Category.

37 films from 22 countries and areas of Asia Pacific achieved nominations for the prestigious awards, drawn from the 289 films in APSA competition.

Bong Joon-ho’s international hit Parasite has claimed Best Feature Film.

Lord Mayor of Brisbane, Adrian Schrinner said “Major events such as the Asia Pacific Screen Awards contribute $150 million into Brisbane’s economy and create thousands of local jobs. I would like to congratulate this year’s winner for Best Picture, Bong Joon-ho, and all the other talented filmmakers who were nominated. The calibre of entries this year has been outstanding, and I’m proud to see highly-acclaimed Australian film makers compete alongside our international guests.”

Determining winners in 3 categories, the APSA Youth, Animation and Documentary International Jury was made up of Indonesian auteur Garin Nugroho (chair), award-winning Syrian film director and producer Diana El Jeiroudi and CEO of Animal Logic Zareh Nalbandian.

Weathering with You is Japan’s Official Submission for the 92nd Academy Awards® International Feature Film Category.


Cathy Gallagher | ABCG Publicity
M: 0416 22 72 82 | E: [email protected]

Alicia Brescianini | ABCG Publicity
M: 0400 225 603 | E: [email protected]


Live twitter coverage of winners @apscreenawards  #apsa2018

Winner clips to be uploaded to:

Hi-res files available – please request link

Images available here:





オーストラリア・ブリスベン: 本日、オーストラリアのブリスベンで開催された第13回アジア太平洋映画賞(APSA)の名誉ある授賞式において、日本の作品『天気の子(英題:Weathering With You』が、最優秀アニメ長編映画賞を受賞しました。



第13回目となるアジア太平洋映画賞(APSA)の授賞式では、13か国・地域に及ぶ作品が受賞しました。優勝作品の大半が、アカデミー国際長編映画賞(Academy Awards®)部門の各国代表作品として出品されています。


Bong Joon-ho氏の国際的なヒット作品『Parasite』が、最優秀長編映画賞を受賞しました。

ブリスベン市長エイドリアン・シュリナー氏は、「アジア太平洋映画賞(APSA)のような主要なイベントは、ブリスベン経済に対して1億5千万豪ドル規模の貢献をするとともに、当地で何千人もの雇用を創出します。本年度、最優秀長編映画賞を受賞されたBong Joon-ho氏を始め、優勝およびノミネートされたその他すべての優秀な映画製作者の方々にお祝いを申し上げます。選考対象となった候補作品は極めて高い水準であり、また、海外からの映画製作者と競合するオーストラリア製作者の高い評価を誇りに思います。」

APSA青年・アニメーション・ドキュメンタリーの3部門で優勝作品を決定した国際審査員は、インドネシア人映像作家Garin Nugroho氏(審査員長)、受賞歴を持つシリア人ディレクター・プロデユーサーのDiana El Jeiroudi氏、およびAnimal Logic社の最高経営責任者(CEO)Zareh Nalbandian氏で構成されました。

天気の子Weathering with You』は、日本代表作品として第92回アカデミー賞(Academy Awards®)国際長編映画賞部門にも出品されています。

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The Asia Pacific Screen Academy expresses its respect for and acknowledgement of the South East Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. We pay our respects to the Traditional Owners of country, including the custodial communities on whose land works are created and celebrated by the Asia Pacific Screen Awards. We acknowledge the continuing connection to land, waters and communities. We also pay our respects to Elders, past and emerging. We recognise the integral role Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and First Nations peoples continue to play in storytelling and celebration spaces.

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